Human Rights And Justice

Upholding human rights on the international stage is a fundamental principle of our foreign policy. Our party is committed to working with the global community to address human rights violations and promote justice. By participating in international human rights forums and supporting initiatives that advocate for fairness and equality, we aim to contribute to the global advancement of human rights. In times of crises or conflicts, our party will prioritize diplomatic solutions and conflict resolution mechanisms. We advocate for peaceful dialogue and negotiation to address disputes, working alongside international organizations to maintain regional and global stability.

Interfaith Harmony

TJP believes in the power of action to foster interfaith harmony, social justice and protect the rights of all minorities. We are committed to implementing concrete measures that not only protect but also promote the welfare of minority communities, ensuring they are integral to our nation’s fabric.

  • Enact and strictly enforce anti-discrimination laws that protect minorities from any form of violence, harassment, or prejudice. Establish severe penalties for violations to deter potential offenders and demonstrate our commitment to these principles.
  • Establish councils that include leaders from various faith communities to advise on policies that affect their groups, ensuring that all religious practices are respected and facilitated by the state.
  • Launch national campaigns to educate the public on the importance of diversity, tolerance, and respect for all religions and cultures. These campaigns will include testimonials, educational materials, and events that highlight the contributions of minorities to our society.

Promoting Minorities’ Rights as a Pillar of National Unity a united nation is one that values and protects its diversity. TJP commitment to minority rights is unwavering, and TJP will implement robust policies to ensure that minorities are not just protected but actively included in all aspects of national life. Develop targeted programs to improve access to jobs, education, and healthcare for minority communities, ensuring they have equal opportunities to succeed. Allocate funds to ensure the security of places of worship for all religious communities. This includes physical security measures and surveillance to prevent and respond quickly to any threats.

Role of Ulama

We recognize the influential role of Ulama in our society, our party is committed to empowering them as key agents in promoting social cohesion and combating sectarianism. Our initiatives include:

  • Organize workshops where Ulama are trained in the latest methods and peace-building techniques. This training will equip them to effectively address and mitigate sectarian tensions within their communities. TJP will partner with Ulama to lead public awareness campaigns that educate citizens on the dangers of extremism and the value of social harmony. These campaigns will utilize various media platforms to reach a broad audience.
  • Facilitate and support interfaith and intra-faith dialogues led by Ulama to foster mutual understanding and respect among different religious groups. This will include conferences and community forums where religious leaders from diverse backgrounds can discuss and resolve issues amicably.
  • Implement programs where Ulama work alongside security agencies to provide counseling and guidance to individuals at risk of radicalization. Ulama’s deep community ties and respect can help reach individuals in ways that traditional security measures may not.

Legal and Institutional Reforms

TJP will prioritize legal reforms to strengthen human rights protections within Pakistan. This includes reviewing and amending existing laws to align with international human rights standards and ensuring that domestic legislation effectively safeguards the rights of all individuals. TJP will work to strengthen and empower national human rights institutions, such as the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, to effectively monitor, investigate, and address human rights violations. This includes providing adequate resources, enhancing their independence, and ensuring that their recommendations are implemented.

Promotion of Civil Liberties and Political Rights

TJP is committed to upholding civil liberties and political rights, including freedom of expression, assembly, and association. TJP will work to repeal or amend laws that restrict these fundamental freedoms and ensure that individuals can exercise their rights without fear of reprisal. TJP will promote inclusive governance and political participation, ensuring that marginalized groups, including women, minorities, and youth, have equal opportunities to participate in decision-making processes and have their voices heard.

Protection of Vulnerable Groups

TJP will prioritize the protection of vulnerable groups, including women, children, religious minorities, ethnic minorities and refugees. We will work to enact and enforce comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation and take proactive measures to address systemic inequalities and discrimination. TJP will strengthen legal protections against gender-based violence, child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking, and ensure that survivors have access to justice and support services.

Accountability and Transitional Justice

TJP will pursue accountability for human rights violations through impartial investigations, prosecution of perpetrators, and reparations for victims. We will establish truth and reconciliation commissions or similar mechanisms to address past injustices and promote healing and reconciliation. TJP will work to ratify international treaties related to transitional justice, such as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and cooperate with international tribunals to ensure that perpetrators of serious crimes are held accountable.

Promotion of Global Justice

TJP will actively engage in international forums and organizations to advocate for global justice and human rights. TJP will support initiatives aimed at strengthening international law, promoting peace and security, and addressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. TJP will prioritize diplomatic efforts to address human rights violations and conflicts around the world, working collaboratively with other nations, international organizations, and civil society to uphold universal human rights standards and advance the principles of justice and equality.

Capacity Building and Awareness Raising

TJP will invest in human rights education and training for law enforcement agencies, judicial officials, civil servants, and the general public to enhance awareness of human rights principles and standards. TJP will support civil society organizations, human rights defenders, and grassroots movements working to promote human rights and social justice, providing them with resources, protection, and advocacy support.

Monitoring and Reporting

TJP will establish robust mechanisms for monitoring, documenting, and reporting on human rights violations, including the establishment of a national human rights observatory or reporting mechanism. TJP will engage with international human rights mechanisms, such as the United Nations Human Rights Council and treaty bodies, to fulfill our reporting obligations, respond to recommendations, and seek technical assistance and expertise to address human rights challenges effectively.

Conflict Resolution and Peace Building

Our party firmly believes in the power of diplomacy to resolve conflicts and build sustainable peace. TJP will prioritize diplomatic solutions to conflicts, employing dialogue, negotiation, and mediation to de-escalate tensions and address root causes. TJP will actively support peacebuilding efforts led by international organizations, civil society, and local communities, and will work to address the underlying grievances that fuel conflicts. Additionally, TJP will strengthen our engagement with regional and international partners to promote stability and security in conflict-affected regions, including through peacekeeping operations and capacity-building initiatives.

Dialogue and Negotiation: TJP believes in the power of dialogue and negotiation to resolve conflicts peacefully. TJP will prioritize diplomatic efforts to engage all stakeholders in constructive dialogue, including governments, armed groups, civil society organizations, and affected communities. TJP will work to create conducive environments for dialogue by promoting trust-building measures, facilitating communication channels, and addressing underlying grievances and root causes of conflict. In addition, TJP will actively promote conflict resolution through mediation and facilitation. We’ll leverage our network to support dialogue and third-party efforts, offering expertise, logistic support, and funding while respecting involved parties’ sovereignty.

Conflict Prevention, Peace-building and Reconciliation: TJP recognizes the importance of early warning and prevention mechanisms to identify and address potential sources of conflict before they escalate. We will invest in conflict analysis and risk assessment tools to identify root causes, triggers, and drivers of conflict, and develop targeted interventions to mitigate these risks. TJP will work closely with local communities, civil society organizations, and grassroots leaders to promote social cohesion, tolerance, and resilience against violence and extremism. TJP is committed to supporting long-term peacebuilding and reconciliation efforts in conflict-affected areas. We will prioritize investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and livelihoods to address the underlying socio-economic factors driving conflict.

Regional and International Cooperation on Conflict Management: TJP recognizes the interconnected nature of conflicts and the importance of regional and international cooperation in resolving them. TJP will actively engage with neighboring countries, regional organizations, and international partners to promote regional peace and stability, address cross-border challenges, and support regional conflict resolution mechanisms. TJP will advocate for the peaceful resolution of disputes through multilateral forums such as the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and regional organizations like the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR): TJP will support DDR programs aimed at disarming and demobilizing combatants, reintegrating former combatants into civilian life, and building sustainable peace and security. TJP will work with relevant stakeholders, including security forces, armed groups, and international partners, to design and implement comprehensive DDR strategies tailored to the specific context of each conflict. TJP will provide vocational training, psychosocial support, and economic opportunities to former combatants to facilitate their transition to civilian life and prevent the recurrence of violence.