Climate Diplomacy

Climate change poses an existential threat to humanity, and Pakistan is particularly vulnerable to its adverse impacts. Our party recognizes the urgent need for collective action to address the climate crisis and is committed to becoming a leading advocate for global climate action. TJP will prioritize climate diplomacy in our engagements with the international community, advocating for ambitious mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as climate finance and technology transfer to support developing countries. TJP will actively participate in international climate negotiations, including the UNFCCC process, and will work to promote climate resilience, sustainable development, and environmental stewardship at home and abroad. Additionally, TJP will support initiatives that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green growth, and will work to mobilize domestic and international resources to transition to a low-carbon economy.

Active Participation in International Forums

TJP will actively participate in international climate negotiations, including conferences such as the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). TJP will engage constructively with other nations to advocate for ambitious climate action, foster consensus on key issues, and promote solutions that benefit both Pakistan and the global community.

Advancing Regional Partnerships for Climate Action:TJP will prioritize building strong regional partnerships to address common climate challenges. TJP will collaborate with neighboring countries, particularly those in South Asia and Central Asia, to share best practices, exchange technological know-how, and develop joint initiatives for climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation. This includes initiatives like the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC).

Dialogue on Climate SolutionsTJP will strengthen dialoguewith key countries, particularly those leading in climate action and clean energy innovation. TJP will seek opportunities for collaboration on renewable energy projects, technology transfer, and capacity-building initiatives. By forging strategic partnerships, TJP aim to accelerate Pakistan’s transition to a low-carbon economy and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Advocacy for Climate Finance

TJP will advocate for increased financial support from developed countries to assist developing nations, including Pakistan, in their climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. TJP will push for the fulfillment of commitments made under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other international financing mechanisms, ensuring equitable access to climate finance for vulnerable communities and countries disproportionately affected by climate change.

Support for Multilateral Agreements

TJP will support the ratification and implementation of multilateral agreements and protocols aimed at addressing climate change, such as the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol. TJP will work to ensure that Pakistan fulfills its commitments under these agreements while advocating for stronger collective action at the global level.

Engagement with Civil Society and Stakeholders

TJP will engage with civil society organizations, academia, youth groups, and other stakeholders to foster dialogue, exchange ideas, and mobilize support for climate action. TJP will create platforms for collaboration and consultation to ensure that diverse voices are heard in the development and implementation of climate policies and strategies.