Emphasizing Cooperation In Regional Diplomacy

Our party recognizes the importance of maintaining positive and constructive relations with our neighbors and regional partners. TJP will pursue a policy of engagement, dialogue, and cooperation with neighboring countries, based on mutual respect, trust, and shared interests. TJP will prioritize the resolution of outstanding disputes through peaceful means, including dialogue, mediation, and arbitration, and will work to address common challenges and opportunities through regional cooperation mechanisms. Additionally, TJP will support efforts to promote economic integration, connectivity, and people-to-people exchanges within the region, in order to foster peace, stability, and prosperity for all.

Strengthening Relations with Neighboring Countries

TJP will prioritize strengthening bilateral relations with neighboring countries, including India, China, Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asian states. TJP will foster dialogue and cooperation to address mutual concerns, promote trade, investment, and cultural exchanges, and resolve outstanding disputes through peaceful means.

Economic Integration and Connectivity

TJP recognizes the importance of economic integration and connectivity for Pakistan’s development. TJP will actively promote initiatives like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and regional trade agreements to enhance connectivity, boost trade, and attract investment in infrastructure and energy projects. TJP will work to reduce trade barriers, streamline customs procedures, and improve transportation and energy infrastructure to facilitate the movement of goods and services within the region.

Maternal and Child Healthcare

Tehrik Jawanan Pakistan (TJP) will focus on improving maternal and child health outcomes in Pakistan. This involves increasing access to prenatal care and necessary infant services. TJP will also address malnutrition and promote childhood vaccines to tackle preventable diseases. Empowering women via education and family planning services would help create a healthy future generation. Educating mothers on good nutrition and cleanliness practices would significantly enhance the health outcomes for both mothers and children.

Counterterrorism and Security Cooperation

TJP is committed to cooperating with neighboring countries to combat terrorism, extremism, and transnational crime. TJP will prioritize intelligence sharing, joint border management, and coordinated counterterrorism operations to address common security threats and maintain regional stability. TJP will support initiatives aimed at disrupting terrorist networks, preventing the spread of extremist ideologies, and promoting regional security cooperation through platforms like the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Water Diplomacy and Management

TJP recognizes the importance of water diplomacy and cooperation with riparian states on shared water resources, including the Indus River Basin. TJP will engage in constructive dialogue and negotiation to address water disputes, ensure equitable water distribution, and promote sustainable water management practices. TJP will uphold the Indus Waters Treaty and work towards enhancing regional water cooperation through joint projects, data sharing, and hydro-diplomacy initiatives.

Regional Stability and Conflict Resolution

TJP will actively support regional efforts aimed at promoting peace, stability, and conflict resolution. TJP will engage in dialogue and mediation to address regional conflicts, including the Afghan peace process, and support initiatives that seek to address underlying grievances and promote reconciliation. TJP will advocate for the peaceful resolution of disputes through diplomatic means and promote confidence-building measures to reduce tensions and build trust among neighboring countries.

We are committed to develop cross-border economic zones that can serve as hubs for joint ventures and collaborations, benefiting all participating nations through increased trade and employment opportunities. Regularly hosting and participating in multilateral dialogues and summits to discuss regional issues, develop common strategies, and implement cooperative projects that benefit all stakeholders. Enhancing mutual understanding and trust through cultural and educational exchange programs that bring people from different countries together, fostering a sense of regional community and shared future.