
Our party’s commitment to national self-reliance and entrepreneurship defines our comprehensive education plan, aimed at fostering a transformative mindset for individual innovation and economic self-sufficiency. Tehrik Jawanan Pakistan (TJP) plan on building a transformative education system that serves as the bedrock of our nation’s progress. Anchored in inclusivity, innovation, and quality, TJP comprehensive plan outlines strategic measures to elevate education across all levels.

Furthermore, TJP commitment extends to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, with initiatives emphasizing entrepreneurship to drive innovation. The establishment of specialized STEM schools and scholarship programs serves as a cornerstone in nurturing a new generation of self-reliant innovators. Simultaneously, vocational training programs will be expanded to equip students with practical skills tailored for entrepreneurial ventures, fostering partnerships with industries that emphasize apprenticeships focused on entrepreneurship.

TJP vision for higher education is rooted in a commitment to transform universities into dynamic hubs of entrepreneurial thought and action. Over the next five years, TJP aim to bolster the academic landscape by increasing funding for universities by 30%, thereby enhancing infrastructure, research capabilities, and faculty development. TJP aspire to witness a tangible surge in research output, signified by the doubling of patents filed by Pakistani universities. To bridge the gap between academia and industry, TJP envision the establishment of at least one technology transfer office in each major university, facilitating the seamless transition of academic knowledge into viable entrepreneurial ventures. Concurrently, our goal is to achieve a 20% annual increase in industry-academia collaborative projects, fostering practical exposure for students and nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship. Through these targeted initiatives, TJP seek to empower academic institutions with resources, encourage industry collaboration, and set ambitious benchmarks, creating a higher education landscape that not only imparts knowledge but also sparks the flame of entrepreneurship among the future leaders of Pakistan.

Our Education Development Plan is a visionary roadmap that envisions a Pakistan where education is a beacon of enlightenment, empowering every citizen to contribute meaningfully to our nation’s growth and prosperity. Through these strategic initiatives and clear targets, TJP aim to elevate the education sector and shape a brighter future for generations to come

Ensuring Quality Education

Tehrik Jawanan Pakistan (TJP) understand the value of early childhood education and will invest in increasing access to free and high-quality programs that promote school readiness for all children. To ensure that each child, regardless of background, ability, or gender has the opportunity to succeed, TJP will prioritize equitable access to high-quality education. This includes not only free education, but also financial aid for materials and transportation, early childhood programs, and inclusive learning spaces that accommodate a wide range of requirements. The problem of late entry and non-enrollment needs to be thoroughly addressed, with early enrollment being given top priority in order to guarantee that every child receives an equal and timely start to their educational journey. Furthermore, integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will teach children mutual respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as encourage understanding and tolerance for different groups, all of which will develop cultural acceptance and social inclusion. We will ensure equal access to education by introducing reforms that will address disparities, providing equal opportunities for all and eliminate gender-based educational barriers.

To support our youth, TJP will fund programs that promote affordability and will work to make higher education accessible to all by expanding financial aid opportunities through grants and scholarships. Furthermore, TJP will work to improve career counseling initiatives so that students and can make educated decisions about their futures and get the most out of their investment in higher education. Making these adjustments will provide a competent workforce prepared for the needs of the labor market, contributing to a vibrant and innovative economy.
Moreover, our commitment extends to STEM education, with initiatives emphasizing entrepreneurship to drive innovation, therefore, specialized STEM schools will be established. Simultaneously, vocational training programs will be expanded to equip students with practical skills tailored for entrepreneurial ventures, fostering partnerships with industries that emphasize apprenticeships focused on entrepreneurship.

Promoting Inclusive Education

Tehrik Jawanan Pakistan (TJP) will update the current curriculum which aligns with the evolving educational demands, and will emphasize on critical thinking, skills, and inclusivity (diversity, gender equality, national identity). In order to provide a secure and respectful learning environment where all students feel encouraged to learn regardless of gender identity or expression, TJP will actively encourage gender inclusion in education by breaking down gender stereotypes in curriculum and classrooms. This entails granting equal access to STEM fields, promoting diversity and acknowledging the accomplishments of students across genders.

Bridging the Digital Divide

TJP is dedicated to eliminating the existing digital divide in education. TJP will ensure affordable internet access and devices for all students, this can be achieved through government subsidies and public-private partnerships. In order to enable educators, parents, and students to use technology for learning, TJP will invest in digital literacy training. This will equip everyone with the skills they need to use technology effectively for learning. There will be the development of high-quality digital learning resources that are aligned with curriculum standards. TJP will also support the ethical application of technology in education, fostering a secure and stimulating virtual learning environment for everybody. This includes creating efficient policies that address issues such as cyberbullying and online safety. By equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed, TJP will ensure a generation ready to lead and innovate in a constantly evolving digital world.

Teacher Quality and Support

Tehrik Jawanan Pakistan’s goal for education in Pakistan is dependent on a strong teacher force. In Pakistan, TJP believes that developing a robust teaching force is critical to educational advancement. This entails focusing on three critical areas i.e. professional growth and support, collaboration, and leadership. By investing in these areas, we can empower our teachers while also improving the quality of education for students. TJP will prioritize professional development and support for teachers at all levels, providing them with the essential training, knowledge, skills, best practices, and creative teaching approaches to ensure their success in the classroom. TJP will create a culture of collaboration and leadership among instructors by learning from one another and collaborating to improve student outcomes.

Financing and Resources

TJP is dedicated to using a multifaceted approach to address the widespread issue of underfunding in the educational system, especially in higher education. TJP will increase the effectiveness of the present budget, establish public-private as well as global partnerships to gain additional resources, use technology to enhance management, and collaborate with different organizations for specific and general educational projects for academic growth and to generate a more sustainable funding source. Furthermore, TJP commits to substantially increasing funding for higher education, ensuring its growth and quality to meet the ever-increasing demands for qualified graduates.

Monitoring and Evaluation

In Pakistan’s educational system, Tehrik Jawanan Pakistan (TJP) will be bringing in a new era of data-driven monitoring and assessment. This will help in gathering and evaluating data in an organized manner on several aspects, including student performance, teacher effectiveness and resource distribution. TJP can make educated judgments about educational policies, resource allocation, and interventions by using this data to track progress and pinpoint areas that require improvement. By using this data, TJP will be able to track progress and identify areas needing improvement, and making informed decisions about educational policies, resource allocation, and interventions, ultimately aiming to improve learning outcomes for all students in Pakistan.

Research and Innovation

By giving research and innovation top priority, TJP will improve Pakistan’s educational system. This entails fostering an environment that values critical thinking problem-solving. TJP will provide students with the abilities they need to evaluate data, come up with solutions, and adjust to a world that is changing quickly by encouraging research. TJP envision a future where research thrives among students. TJP is committed to providing sufficient financing to support research projects, encouraging creativity, and promoting intellectual development. An education system based on research will produce a new generation of innovative thinkers and future leaders who can advance society and take Pakistan into a more promising future.

Modernizing and Integrating Madaris into the National Education System

Recognizing the significant role that Madaris play in our educational landscape, our party commits to mainstreaming these institutions as a formal part of our education system. This will ensure that they contribute effectively to our national goals of educational inclusivity and social harmony. Our approach includes:

We will allocate a specific portion of the national education budget to Madaris. This funding will support infrastructure improvements, teacher training, and the development of learning materials that meet national educational standards. It ensures that Madaris have the necessary resources to offer a comprehensive education that is both religiously informed and academically rigorous. We are committed to standardize the curriculum across all Madaris to include a balanced mix of secular and religious education. The reformed syllabus will incorporate modern subjects such as science, mathematics, and languages, alongside traditional religious studies. This approach aims to provide students with a well-rounded education, preparing them for a variety of career paths and reducing the risk of sectarianism by promoting a unified educational framework.

We will implement a standardized accreditation system for Madaris, ensuring that they meet the same quality standards as other educational institutions in the country. This will include regular inspections and assessments to monitor the quality of education and compliance with the national curriculum. TJP will make efforts to enhance the capabilities of educators in Madaris by providing them with ongoing professional development opportunities focused on modern pedagogies and curriculum delivery. This will help bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and contemporary educational practices. We will ensure that the education provided in Madaris equips students with the skills needed in today’s job market, including digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

By carrying out these commitments, TJP can unleash an educational revolution, preparing every child to prosper, become active contributors, and lead Pakistan to a brighter, more progressive future.