Foreign Relations

Diplomacy and foreign relations are integral pillars of our party’s vision for a globally engaged and cooperative nation. We recognize the importance of fostering strong diplomatic ties to enhance economic prosperity, national security, and cultural exchange. Several key strategies underscore our commitment to developing robust diplomacy and foreign relations.

Nonaligned Diplomatic Relations

TJP advocates for a non-aligned foreign policy that prioritizes Pakistan’s national interests over all else. We envision a policy based on the “Pakistan First” principle, which prioritizes national security and economic well-being in diplomatic relations. TJP envisions that Pakistan will develop strong diplomatic ties with every nation. This will allow Pakistan to make more flexible partnerships based on mutual respect and interests. The major factors to consider when in relations with other countries will be Pakistan’s security, economic progress, and regional stability. Diplomatic relations and alliances will be evaluated based on how they contribute to these core interests of Pakistan. This will maximize the opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships by allowing Pakistan to interact with a broader range of countries to collaborate in economic development, trade, counter-terrorism measures, and regional security initiatives. TJP envisions peaceful and stable environment at regional and global level. We will advocate for diplomatic and peaceful solutions to conflicts and support initiatives that promote dialogue and understanding.

Economic Diplomacy

Recognizing the interconnectedness of the global economy, we advocate for a proactive economic diplomacy approach. This involves promoting trade partnerships, attracting foreign direct investment, and establishing favorable economic conditions to bolster our national economy. Through strategic alliances and trade agreements, TJP aim to create a conducive environment for economic growth and prosperity. TJP will prioritize implementing structural reforms to improve the business environment, enhance governance and transparency, and streamline regulatory processes. This will create a more attractive investment climate and lay the foundation for sustainable economic growth.

Promotion of Export-Oriented Industries

Pakistan’s economy relies heavily on exports, particularly textiles, agriculture, and IT services. TJP will focus on promoting these sectors by providing targeted incentives, facilitating access to finance and technology, and investing in skill development and infrastructure. By boosting export-oriented industries, Pakistan can increase foreign exchange earnings and reduce trade deficits, enhancing its bargaining power in economic diplomacy.


  • Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): FDI plays a crucial role in economic development, bringing in capital, technology, and expertise. TJP will implement policies to attract FDI, including offering tax incentives, providing investment guarantees, and establishing special economic zones with favorable regulatory frameworks. TJP will also prioritize sectors with high growth potential, such as renewable energy, manufacturing, and information technology.


  • Trade Diplomacy: Diplomatic efforts will be directed towards expanding market access for Pakistani goods and services. TJP will actively negotiate trade agreements with key trading partners to reduce tariffs and non-tariff barriers, facilitate trade facilitation measures, and promote investment protection and intellectual property rights. Special emphasis will be placed on diversifying export markets to reduce dependence on a few countries.


  • Diaspora Engagement: Pakistan has a large diaspora community scattered around the world, which can serve as a valuable resource for economic diplomacy. TJP will strengthen ties with the Pakistani diaspora by providing incentives for investment and entrepreneurship, facilitating remittances, and leveraging their networks and expertise to promote trade and investment opportunities.


  • Regional Economic Integration: Pakistan’s strategic location offers opportunities for regional economic integration and cooperation. TJP will prioritize strengthening economic ties with neighboring countries through initiatives such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). By enhancing connectivity, trade, and investment flows within the region, Pakistan can unlock new economic opportunities and foster regional stability and prosperity.