Palestine Diplomacy

Our party stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their legitimate aspirations for statehood, dignity, and justice. We will actively support diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of international law, relevant UN resolutions, and the principle of land for peace. TJP will advocate for the recognition of Palestinian statehood and the end of illegal Israeli settlements, and will support initiatives that promote dialogue, reconciliation, and mutual recognition between Israelis and Palestinians. Additionally, TJP will provide humanitarian assistance and support for Palestinian refugees, in line with our commitment to upholding human rights and alleviating suffering.

Engaging in Palestine diplomacy from a pro-Palestine stance requires a commitment to justice, human rights, and the recognition of Palestinian sovereignty. Here’s a detailed explanation of how TJP plans to engage in Palestine diplomacy:

Recognition of Palestinian Statehood

TJP will unequivocally support the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. TJP will advocate for the international recognition of Palestinian statehood and work towards the full membership of Palestine in the United Nations and other international organizations.

End to Occupation and Settlement Expansion

TJP condemns the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the expansion of illegal settlements in violation of international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. TJP will advocate for the immediate cessation of settlement construction, land confiscation, and the demolition of Palestinian homes, and call for the dismantlement of existing settlements as a necessary step towards achieving a just and lasting peace.

Support for Palestinian Rights and Dignity

TJP stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and supports their inherent rights, including the right to return for Palestinian refugees, the right to freedom of movement, and the right to live in dignity and security. TJP will advocate for an end to the blockade of Gaza and the lifting of restrictions on the movement of people and goods, ensuring access to essential services, humanitarian assistance, and economic opportunities for the people of Gaza.

Promotion of International Law and Accountability

TJP will uphold the principles of international law, human rights, and humanitarian law in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and advocate for accountability for violations committed by all parties. TJP will support initiatives to investigate and prosecute alleged war crimes and human rights abuses, including through international mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the United Nations Human Rights Council.