Public Administration

TJP is committed to reforming public administration by establishing a clear balance between authority, responsibility, and accountability. This approach is essential for efficient and transparent governance. We will

  • Ensure that all roles within public administration are clearly defined to prevent overlaps and gaps in responsibility and authority. This clarity will enhance efficiency and facilitate smoother operations across all government departments.
  • Introduce robust performance evaluation systems that hold public officials accountable for their actions and outcomes. These systems will be transparent and based on measurable performance indicators.
  • Promote the decentralization of authority to lower levels of government to enhance responsiveness and accountability at the local level. This will empower local administrations and ensure that decisions are made closer to the communities they affect.
  • Provide ongoing training for government officials to foster a deep understanding of their responsibilities and the ethical standards expected of them. This training will focus on the principles of good governance, including fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Removal of Bureaucratic Red Hurdles

The TJP recognizes the obstacles posed by Pakistan’s bureaucratic apparatus. Longstanding worries about excessive red tape and a hierarchical structure that hinder productivity. TJP seeks to address these concerns by encouraging a more efficient and service-oriented bureaucracy. A fundamental component of TJP’s strategy is necessary changes in the bureaucratic s culture. A service-oriented model would take precedence over a top-down, authoritarian approach. Civil servants would be seen as facilitators and problem-solvers, working to meet the needs of citizens and businesses effectively. TJP understands that investing in civil servants capacity building and training is necessary to bring about this transition. One of the main priorities will be to provide them with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate complex regulations and deliver exceptional service. TJP believes that by focusing on efficiency, openness, and a service-oriented culture, Pakistan can build a bureaucracy that truly serves the public interest.