Women Empowerment

Our party, the Progressives, wants women to be an important part of our country in the future. TJP can fully release the potential of our society by putting into action a plan that aims to remove barriers and give women chances in all areas of their lives. Here, TJP will use examples of smart and creative actions from different sources, such as the manifestos, to make a strong plan for empowering women.

Education and Skill Development

TJP will see education as the key to lifting girls and women, and TJP will put in place measures that will make sure all of them have access to good education. It includes the funding, the buildings for schools that are good for girls, the bathrooms in the schools, and the efforts to change the way people think about girls going to school. Our programme will also include classes for women to learn new skills and keep learning throughout their lives, making sure they are ready to compete in today’s market.

Economic Participation and Entrepreneurship

To get more women involved in the economy, TJP suggests that financing, access to loans, and business training for women be put in place. This includes giving women businesses and startups tax breaks, help with marketing, and access to national and foreign markets. It will also be very important to make sure that women are in charge of businesses and the government, and that men and women are paid the same for the same work.

Healthcare Access and Rights

An important basis is giving women access to affordable, all-around medical care, including services for reproductive health. TJP wants to build more healthcare centers and make sure that women and children can get free or low-cost care. TJP also wants to start campaigns to raise awareness about women’s health problems. Protecting women’s health and reproductive rights through laws will be at the top of the list.

Violence and Harassment Prevention

Strengthening the legal structure and making sure that rules against domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of abuse are strictly followed will help get rid of violence against women. One of our other duties is to work on the plan to open national support centers where victims of abuse can get legal help, counseling, and a safe place to stay.

Political and Social Participation

TJP believes that women should be able to sit on boards and make decisions in business, society, and politics. To reach this goal, steps must be taken, such as setting limits for women in public office and encouraging political parties to run as many women candidates as possible. TJP will also give women’s groups and clubs more power so that they can have a say in how policies are made.

Cultural and Social Norms

TJP will start a national effort to break down gender stereotypes and make gender equality an important part of our society because TJP knows that for change to last, sociocultural views need to change as TJP ll. Key are education programmes that teach men and boys how to work together to solve this problem.

Strengthening Legal Framework for Women Protection

To beat female inequality and get rid of unfair practices, TJP will do a full audit of the laws. It’s time to change these rules, like the ones about inheritance and property rights, as well as the ones about marriage that make sure women have the same rights as men. To speed up the justice process, fast-track courts should be set up for crimes based on gender.

TJP wants these targeted programs in our platform to make a world where women can lead and try new things. To build a community where all women can enjoy their rights and make a big difference in the growth and progress of the country.Together, TJP will work towards a future where equal rights for men and women are not just an ideal but a real possibility.